Loving God, Loving Others and Serving our neighbours
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We would love to see you and your family & friends in our church at on Sundays.
Our English and Cantonese Services are at 11 a.m. English Service is on the first floor while the Cantonese Service is on the ground floor.
Our Mandarin Service is at 1.45 p.m.
Our English Services are now only in person, as is our youth and children’s ministries. At all services there is a Children’s Sunday School and a creche is available for toddlers.
The youth group is every Sunday at 1.45 p.m. on the first floor.
時間:上午 11:00 – 中午 12:15 地點:一樓正堂
時間:上午 11:00 – 中午12:15 地點:地下禮堂
逢第一及第三週 時間:下午 2:00 – 下午3:15 地點:一樓禮堂
時間:下午 1:45- 下午 3:00 地點:地下禮堂
每主日上午11時正有青少年團契 (廣東話) 和兒童主日學 (英語及廣東話),而下午1:45 也有英語青少年團契和英語兒童主日學;上午和下午均提供幼兒托管服務。
What We Believe
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. It is accurate, authoritative and applicable to our everyday lives.
How to get here.
Tell us about yourself to begin your journey with connecting to our community.