The Liverpool Youth Group is a group of roughly thirty youths (ages ranging from 11 to 18) who meet each Sunday to worship God together through song, prayer and teaching from God’s Word given by the youth leaders.
We aim to help young people to learn about Christ, grow in their faith and to help them transition from Sunday School to adult church life. As the youth mature they are encouraged to try new things and take on new responsibilities (for example leading songs, giving short talks or organising events).
Meets on Sundays at 1:15 p.m. for their youth service where they worship God together (through songs, games, prayer and discussions) and are taught from God’s Word. In their Youth Cell groups, they have opportunity to share in small groups how they are, pray for each other and encourage each other.
There is also a Cantonese Youth Group that meets on Sunday Mornings.
Dear parents and church, continue to pray for youths and the team.
Thankfully, 8-12 youths have met 6 times online since church has been closed. Before lock down each youth was mailed a John’s gospel and information on the online Bible studies. Weekly texts and reminders have been posted on the youth group WhatsApp group on how to join. We meet using Skype at 1:30-3 pm on Sunday. For your peace of mind, 2 leaders are always needed for the forum to go ahead to adhere to the Online Child Protection Policy.
Please contact me if you have any queries or for any suggestions on how we can better care for our youths, serving Christ together,
Contact Person:
Tan Maw Joo – Youth Coordinator